Thursday, August 21, 2014


Welcome to the new blog for the
Domestic Animal Protection League
of the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska
We've got the poop!
Our group's name is a bit long so we've shortened it to DAPL. It's pronounced "dapple" like in dapple gray horse. 
DAPL began in March of this year, 2014.  As we proudly call ourselves "five old ladies and one hot chic" met together for the first time in agreement that we could no longer sit by and ignore the ever increasing animal abuse in our communities on the Kenai Peninsula in Alaska.  We decided that the Kenai Peninsula Borough government needs to do its duty and uphold Alaska state law on animal welfare. Currently in communities outside incorporated cities there is no animal control in any sense of the word.  Citizens having knowledge of suspected abuse are to call the Alaska State Troopers, Soldotna Division to report their suspicions. 
The troopers will tell you, as they have done so to me when I have called, that they will not come out because it is a low priority.  That leaves every single domestic animal living outside city limits having no protection at all.  There are state laws as to the minimum standards of care but there is no enforcements of those laws.
We at DAPL had enough of such nonsense.  We met the local owner of the only no kill animal sanctuary on the Kenai (and the first in Alaska) and asked for his help in understanding the ins and outs of the borough government.  We told him that we want a borough law that provides an animal control officer/investigator dedicated to working in the unincorporated communities throughout the peninsula.  Mr. Tim Colbath said he would be willing to show us the ropes.  He along with Kenai Peninsula Borough Assemblyman Brent Johnson from the community of Kasilof helped pen a proposition to be submitted to the Borough Assembly.  The Kenai Borough Legal department also checked everything over and made appropriate changes. 
This started our path, actually more like a maze, of going out into the community asking for their support and help.  We have had a booth at every summer community function:
  • Fourth of July parade in Kenai
  • Progress Days in Soldotna
  • Strut Your Mutt in Homer
  • Street Fair in Homer
  • Ninilchik State Fair in Ninilchik (three days)
  • Soundoff Radio talk show
  • Interview with KBBI - Homer
Upcoming events
  • Industry Days in Kenai
  • Town Meetings in Ninilchik, Soldotna, Kenai, and Nikiski
  • Campaigning on Voting day on Oct. 7, 2014
  • Radio talk show: Tall, Dark and Handsome Show
It has been a very busy summer but a very rewarding one.  We have been receiving a few negative comments but approx. 97% of the folks we've spoken to are kind and willing to vote "YES" on Oct. 9! 
We ask for your support for animal welfare throughtout the Kenai Peninsula.
DAPL members
  • Peg Snyder
  • Melinda Cox
  • Barbara Romine
  • Faith Hays
  • Denise Cox
  • Marguerite Cox (Teen DAPL)

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